Have you ever wanted to participate in a sport like bowling but had no one to go with you?
We feel you. Asking your friends to come along is like drawing blood from a stone. They would usually give excuses like “not having the time”, or that they’re “nursing an old injury”, or that their “(insert significant other) says no”.
Well first, nothing hurts to build up a longer list of friends. Second, how do you go about doing it? Try a sporting interest group as it’s a great way to meet like-minded people, keep healthy, and yes, make new friends.
We looked around and came across NTUC U Sports, which has six sporting interest groups in its community.
Best of all, you can join most of these sporting groups for free. Except for Golf. You must pay to play. Now be a sport and sign up today:
Bowling: Strike a Pose
U Sport’s bowling members are a bunch of passionate players. They range from enthusiasts to veterans and semi-professionals to those who act professional (not many of them though).
Hit a strike, or even better, earn a turkey! But if you’re a beginner, don’t worry as there are members who are willing to teach you the fundamentals of bowling and the different techniques used to spin the ball.

Cycling: Pedal Power
Running can be a painful experience for some, so the next best option may be to give cycling a go.
Cycling is a low impact sport, being less taxing on your feet and knees, according to medical experts. It’s also just as environmentally friendly. On top of that, cycling provides an excellent overall workout and helps you increase your strength and stamina.
This interest group meets up at 6.30am every Sunday at MacRitchie Reservoir for a 40km-70km ride. So if you’re up for the challenge, you should sign up. It’s free!

Golf: Strut and Putt
Here’s your chance to putt like a pro. Despite being stereotyped as an old man’s sport, golf demands quick decision-making capabilities and Zen-like focus at every stroke.
The interest group often organises unique golfing events like the Orchid Country Club (OCC) U Golf 9-Hole Night Series, where the first putt is swung at 6.30pm and only ends at 9.30pm. At a fee, you can be part of the action too!

Running: Hot Heels
If you’re looking for buddies to have a nice run with every week, then you should consider joining the U Sports Run group.
The group holds weekly runs and workouts at different locations, such as at Novena Velocity, One Marina Boulevard and Downtown East.
You’ll be led by seasoned runners who never fail to motivate and give you training tips to improve your stamina.

Dragon Boat: Powering Through the Water
The Dragon Boat Team isn’t an ordinary interest group. The paddlers are lean, mean rowing machines.
Don’t be intimidated if you’re a beginner. The team welcomes all participants, from beginners who hold paddles the wrong way up to those who have years of experience.
They conduct regular try-outs and even participate in local Dragon Boat races.
For a start, you can show up at one of the team’s try-out sessions held on the first Saturday of every month at Kallang Riverside Park and see how things go from there.

Fitness: Let’s Get Physical
Well, maybe you don’t do sports. Perhaps you’re someone who’s just looking to keep fit with a few workout kakis.
This fitness group puts a lot of emphasis on having fun when it comes to workouts. Sessions include circuit training and team games.
With the help of fitness buddies, you’re sure to be motivated and coming back for more.
The group will, however, be taking a break during May and will resume sessions in June.

To register or find out more about these interest groups, email info@usports.com.sg, or call 6582 3459. You can also visit the U Sports website to get the latest updates and schedules of the sporting interest groups.